" Fifty Peso Reward and their leader Rodney Parker have done such a remarkable job with their sophomore effort that they may just kick the Old 97s in the teeth. "
- Smother Magazine


"And the talented Texans keep coming. Rodney Parker & Fifty Peso Reward have a tinge of alt-country but it's basically straightforward rock -- of a near-universally high quality.”
- USA Today

"... brawny heartland rock meets smoky Texas twang... The Lonesome Dirge is a damn fine record."
- songs: Illinois

"Country and folk rarely offer the punch and integrity Parker applies to the majority of this fine release. Void of slickness, this is music built from sweat and an intensity only the rural experience can provide."
- Dallas Observer

"Rodney Parker may be the coolest new face to emerge from Texas. Not only do his songs appeal to a vast array of human conditions but they also appeal to a vast array of humans - whether the beer soaked urban cowboy or reticent small town poet."
- F5 Magazine

"A lot of bands recycle the genre alt-country over and over, giving us reheated licks of lost loves and reused guitar lyrics as if they just listened to a Jayhawks record, but Parker seems to have a knack for songwriting, no cheesy gimmicks or clichés to fill the minutes."
- Venues Magazine

"...an irresistible Texas classic that is whole-heartedly recommended!"
- ctr.alt.country - belgium

"… a rooted sound of sturdy rockers and sensitive ballads that are absolutely unique."
- rootstime - belgium